In this post I answer the question what is a Jaffle? and what is the difference between a Jaffle and a Toastie?
What is a Jaffle?
A Jaffle is the Australian name for a closed toasted sandwich.
The name came from its creator Dr Ernest Smithers, from Bondi in NSW, who created and patented the Jaffle Iron in Australia back in the 1950’s. He named the device and possibly with a view to it being similar sounding to the Waffle iron as the design between the two devices isn’t that different.
A Jaffle Iron followed the usual closed toasted sandwich maker design of two clam shell style pieces of iron hinged together to encase and seal a sandwich. Toasting the bread and creating a gooey center.
What is the difference between a Jaffle and Toastie?
A Jaffle only refers to the closed type of toasted sandwich and while the word toastie is often used to mean the same it can also apply to the open sandwich variety that I feature so heavily in this food blog.
As I’ve said before the reason I use the open type of sandwich so often if that it is more photogenic than the closed type and allows me to easily show off the ingredients to you.
Here is an example of a closed toastie that Australians would recognize as a Jaffle.

Here is an example of an open Toastie being cooked with the cheese leaking and crisping up nicely around the edges.

A example Jaffle Iron
The above picture from Amazon is an example of a Jaffle Iron with the classic clam shell pattern.
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Learn more about the Jaffle Iron
For more interesting facts about the Jaffle Iron check out this reference from the Australian Food Timeline website.
In this post the author, Jan O’Connell, goes into details about the history of Dr Earnest Smithers, how he marketed his invention and the Jaffle Iron craze that gripped Australia in the 1950’s.
More toastie facts and fun
For more toastie and food related fun and facts can be found here.
Join the Toastie Club
If you love toasted sandwich’s of any kind, Jaffle’s included, then be sure to join the toastie club today and raise you toastie making game.